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Volunteers Needed to Judge Mock Trial Competition

  • 11 Jan 2012
  • 6:00 PM
  • Alameda County Superior Court Administration Bldg, 1221 Oak St. , Oakland

Volunteers Needed to Judge the 2012 Philip A. Harley Memorial Mock Trial Competition

Who: Attorneys are needed to score high school teams from the jury box. Judges/commissioners are needed to preside over the bench trial competitions.


Where:   Alameda County Superior Court Administration Bldg, 1221 Oak St. , Oakland


When:  6:00-8:00 p.m. on January 11, 12 & 31, and February 2, 7, 9 &16.


**Volunteers may sign up for one or more of the evenings**


The Case: The defendant is charged with murdering a long-time friend and with violating the California Concealed Carry Statute.  In the pretrial argument, students will grapple with whether the California Concealed Carry Statute violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms.  


If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Jenny Keystone at 510.206.7366 or For more info, click here.

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